Friday, January 9, 2009

Colleagues can be friends?

I have been through a good enough number of companies to know that different people exist in different types of companies. Those you find in SMEs differ from Ministries, whom differs from MNCs and also those from Statutory boards.......

One fine day, a few days ago, a junior came to me and ask me a direct but simply complex question. Can Colleagues become real friends? can the deepest secret/worry/happiness be shared without a fear of the info being manipulated at work? Or being misconstrued to political play?

My asnwer to her is that the answer is complex. Look at the background, look at the person and look at the information given. But if you have to look so much and consider so much, does not seem much of a chance that he or she will become your friend.

Made me wonder also if some of my ex- current colleagues considered me as friends. I guess friends will not accuse people of some crazy stuff if really friends.........

Conclusion: SOME of your colleagues can be your friends while others.... just stay away from them....

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