Monday, April 9, 2007

Soccer Players' Blogs

Soccer Players Blogging

Anyone ever wondered if soccer players truly blog online? For those uninitiated, a blog is an on-line journal where people can post diary entries about their personal or public life.

One day, I was curious and did a search on google. There were many blogs on players by ordinary folks and there were blogs on soccer clubs, major soccer tournaments and soccer events. There was just No blogs by players. Correction, there was just only one player’s blog from a particular Brian Ching. Yes, right. Brian Ching who? Apparently, he is a national player for the US team. Now, how many of us can honestly cross our heart and raise our hands and say we know this guy? Probably just a handful of US citizens.

I was wondering if Google search engine had failed this time round, so I turned to yahoo. I was still disappointed as the returns were similar. Similarly Zero. Soccer players just do not blog…..

I dug further and thought maybe other sports personal also did not catch on with this global phenomenon of blogging. I typed in “Basketballer’s Blog” and low and behold, Mr Zero’s Blog pop up. Mr Zero is Mr Gilbert Arenas. He is the superstar of Washington Wizards in the NBA. I read through it briefly, but there was sufficient content to keep me interested. Although not very detailed in nature, the blog had a light hearted –ness to it and was very easy and enjoyable reading.

Anyway, back to the point. I wished we had more blogging done by our soccer stars. I would love to read about them from themselves personally. He will know what is true or what is false and how much more public he wants his life to be. He can give an insight to the nitty gritty and not so glamorous parts of his life.

However, one of my friends suggested that THAT Is Maybe why they prefer not to blog. They do not want to divulge personal details to the public. The public attention in the real life is already suffocating. Why add another dimension online? Another friend was less forgiving and commented that footballer don't blog because they do not have the brains to blog while another said that they simply do not have time

What do you think?


Anonymous said...

can it be... they r so busy with training sessions n games tat they hv no time to blog??

Anonymous said...

i think they do not want to disclose their personal lives..

Anonymous said...

there's a lot of players who have personal sites (where others write news updates for them), and then there's all the footballers at who have diaries (most of which are ghostwritten). dennis bergkamp used to have one there.

there are two footballers though who have their own personal sites with blogs/diaries - moritz volz and aki riihilati - both are excellent, very funny, and volzy has to have one of the best football sites around.

Go! Arsenal! said...

Hey! THanks for the feedbacks!

And To SM, Thanks for the links. Interesting..
